Welcome To The Audio Sight

Mobile Base Sinhala Book Reader For Visually Impaired Individuals

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Why Choose The AudioSight ?

You selected the AudioSight App for our Sinhala Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Sinhala Text to Speech Synthesizer (TTS), Sinhala Voice Navigation, and Object Detection, as well as Sinhala Image Identification and Captioning for our Blind Story Book Reader mobile application due to its exceptional capabilities in enhancing accessibility and usability for the visually impaired community.

Sinhala Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

A blind user takes a photo of a Sinhala text document using their smartphone. The AudioSight App swiftly recognizes the text and converts it into audible content, allowing the user to access and understand the information within seconds.

Sinhala Text to Speech Synthesizer (TTS)

A visually impaired individual receives a Sinhala e-book. They employ the AudioSight App to convert the written text into spoken words, enabling them to enjoy literature and access educational content seamlessly.

Sinhala Voice Navigation & Object Detection

A blind user aims to navigate an unfamiliar environment. The AudioSight App assists by providing clear Sinhala voice navigation instructions, guiding them through streets, public transport, and indoor spaces with confidence.

Sinhala Image Identification & Captioning

A visually impaired person uses the app's object detection and Sinhala image identification features describe these items, allowing users to maintain their independence and manage their surroundings effectively.

About the Project

Read our research domain details here

Enhancing Accessibility for the visually impaired by introducing a new app called "AudioSight" to the Community.

Our project focuses on revolutionizing accessibility for the visually impaired community through the utilization of the AudioSight App. We have chosen this application for its remarkable capabilities in Sinhala Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Sinhala Text to Speech Synthesis (TTS), Sinhala Voice Navigation, and Sinhala Object Detection and Image Identification.

In the Sinhala OCR scenario, the app swiftly converts captured text into audible content, allowing users to access written information effortlessly. The Sinhala TTS feature empowers visually impaired individuals to explore story books and educational materials. The Sinhala Voice Navigation function provides essential guidance in unfamiliar environments, while the Sinhala Object Detection and Image Identification features make everyday tasks more manageable. This project is a step towards making the world more inclusive, granting the visually impaired community equal access to information and a newfound sense of independence.

Research Project Scope

Read our research domain details here

Literature Survey

Mobile-based Sinhala book readers have emerged as critical tools for enhancing the educational accessibility of visually impaired students in Sri Lanka. This area of research underscores the importance of addressing several key aspects.

Firstly, the limited support for the Sinhala language in existing solutions raises questions about the comprehensive language support required for visually impaired students. Secondly, user-centered design and accessibility features are vital, with potential research gaps in usability and accessibility improvements.

The need for customization and adaptability to cater to diverse learning needs

The reading preferences

The comprehension levels of visually impaired students highlights another significant research area

Affordability and accessibility of mobile devices for this user group is another vital aspect that warrants investigation, with a focus on making these devices more cost-effective and widely available. Furthermore, research gaps exist in evaluating the impact of mobile-based Sinhala book readers on learning outcomes and their seamless integration into the educational curriculum.

The legal and ethical issues concerning digital rights management and copyright need to be addressed, while exploring emerging technologies, such as AI and machine learning, for enhancing the functionality and accessibility of these readers represents a promising avenue for future research.

Improving Sinhala book reader design for visually impaired students requires understanding long-term user feedback and usage patterns.

Research Gap

There is a significant research gap in the field of Mobile Base Sinhala Book Readers for Visually Impaired Students. Specifically, there is a lack of comprehensive user-centered design and usability studies. Although there is a general understanding of the importance of these tools for improving educational accessibility, there is limited empirical research that explores the specific needs, preferences, and challenges of visually impaired students in Sri Lanka. It is crucial to comprehend how these users interact with mobile-based Sinhala book readers, what design features work best for them, and how to ensure optimal usability. Conducting user-centered studies would help fill this gap and inform the design and development of more accessible and tailored mobile book readers for this target audience.

1. Sinhala Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

* One possible research gap in the OCR component is the need for a more accurate and efficient OCR engine specifically designed for the Sinhala language.

* Existing OCR programs are designed for English and industrial use, so this application is mainly for the Sinhala language.

2. Sinhala Text-to-Speech (TTS) Synthesizer

* Without the speech of an outside person, Sinhala text converts into clear speech and makes it easy for visually impaired students to here.

* Given visually impaired students the opportunity to listen to the audiobook at the end of each book.

* Blind user can change book reading speed and he can read book Male or Female voice.

3. Sinhala Object Detection & Sinhala Voice Navigation System

* The primary issue at hand is the absence of a Sinhala-specific object detection.

* Sinhala voice navigation system tailored to the needs of blind students.

* Existing solutions predominantly cater to English-speaking users, rendering them ineffective for Sinhala-speaking individuals who require navigation assistance in their native language.

4. Sinhala Image Identification

* This study aims to address the accessibility gap by developing an image detection system capable of providing comprehensive and culturally relevant descriptions in Sinhala within a student books.

* The reading app, catering specifically to visually impaired students.

Research Problem

The main research problem here is the difficulty of accessing printed materials with braille technology for visually impaired individuals.

There is no proper mobile application for sinhala book reading.

Obtaining educational materials and resources that meet the language needs of visually impaired Sinhala-speaking individuals is a significant challenge. The lack of a comprehensive educational access program designed specifically for this group of people poses major problems. Their educational opportunities are limited due to this deficiency, which in turn hinders their socioeconomic prospects.

Access to Sinhala-language educational resources is limited for speakers of Sinhala, as most assistive technology currently in use is designed for English-language materials. Additionally, translating printed Sinhala text into natural-sounding speech is challenging due to the intricate script and subtle syntax of the Sinhala language, which poses difficulties for text-to-speech (TTS) and optical character recognition (OCR) systems. Moreover, people with visual impairments face difficulties accessing visual content that is frequently included in educational resources, as a crucial component of picture interpretation is still absent.

Our research aims to create an inclusive educational access system that enables efficient access to educational content for visually impaired Sinhala speakers.

Research Objectives

Main Objective

Our research goals are aimed at providing a comprehensive solution to the issue previously mentioned. Firstly, we aim to improve OCR and TTS technologies, particularly for Sinhala. This will enable these technologies to accurately extract text in Sinhala from different sources and provide natural-sounding voice synthesis that is appropriate for the context. Secondly, we intend to develop an image interpretation component that can identify and describe images in content written in the Sinhala language. We recognize the importance of image interpretation in instructional materials.

It is important to make visual content accessible to visually challenged individuals, as it allows them to have access to a more engaging educational environment. To ensure usability, we are dedicated to creating a navigation system that is user-friendly, with haptic and auditory cues to aid in effective content discovery. This guarantees that individuals who are blind or visually impaired can effortlessly navigate through the textual and visual components of instructional resources.

We aim to continuously improve our solution based on customer feedback and experiences. To achieve this, we plan to conduct comprehensive testing and collect user feedback. Our main objective is to remove the existing barriers to educational material access and provide visually impaired Sinhala speakers with an inclusive and creative educational solution. This will enhance their educational opportunities and socio-economic prospects.

Sub Objectives

Sinhala Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Sinhala Text-to-Speech (TTS) Synthesizer

Sinhala Voice Navigation System

Sinhala Object Detection

Sinhala Image Identification


The methodology for studying mobile-based Sinhala book readers for visually impaired students involves a mixed-methods approach. Firstly, we will conduct qualitative research by interviewing visually impaired students and holding focus groups to gain insights into their needs, preferences, and challenges when using mobile-based book readers. Secondly, we will conduct a quantitative phase by surveying a larger sample of visually impaired students to gather data on their usage patterns and assess the impact of these tools on their academic performance.

Additionally, we will conduct usability testing to evaluate the user-friendliness of existing readers. We will also review available mobile-based Sinhala book readers to assess their current features and accessibility options.

We will analyze the combined data to identify areas of improvement, customization, and enhanced language support, which can inform the development of more effective and user-centered tools for visually impaired students.

Tools & Technologies

Android Studio

Java 8

Python 3.8

Jupyter Notebook

Anaconda Navigator

Postman API Platform

VS Code

Figma UI/UX


ngrok server


Project Proposal

Proposal presentation and the proposal report submission.

Marks Allocated : 12%

Progress Presentation 1

50% progress presentation of the research project.

Marks Allocated : 15%

Progress Presentation 2

90% progress presentation of the research project.

Marks Allocated : 18%


Submission and presentation of the camera-ready research poster.

Marks Allocated : 10%

FInal Assessment

Submission of final reports and the final presentation of the research.

Marks Allocated : 10%


Final viva of the research Commerclization Video with an User Testing and Research Team Member.

Marks Allocated : 10%


Project Charter

Click Here to View the Project Charter Document


Proposal Document

Access the Individual Proposal Documents Using Following Links

IT20146238_Jayathunga T.M.

IT20241346_Semini J.P.D.L.

IT20129712_Godakanda P.G.S.

IT20254520_Bhagya H.D.M.

Research Logbook

Access the Research Logbook Documents Using Following Links

IT20146238_Jayathunga T.M.

IT20241346_Semini J.P.D.L.

IT20129712_Godakanda P.G.S.

IT20254520_Bhagya H.D.M.

Final Reports

Access the Final Group Report Using Following Link


Access the Individual Final Reports Using Following Links

IT20146238_Jayathunga T.M.

IT20241346_Semini J.P.D.L.

IT20129712_Godakanda P.G.S.

IT20254520_Bhagya H.D.M.


View Our Presentations Here

Proposal Presentation

Click to View the Proposal Presentation

Progress Presentation I

Click to View the Progress Presentation I - 50% Completion

Progress Presentation II

Click to View the Progress Presentation II - 90% Completion

Final Presentation

Click to View the Final Presentation- 100% Completion

Our Team

Prof. Koliya Pulasinghe


Senior Professor



Ms. Poorna Panduwawala


Assistant Lecturer



Jayathunga T.M.

TEAM Leader




Semini J.P.D.L.

TEAM Member




Godakanda P.G.S.

TEAM Member




Bhagya H.D.M.





Contact Us


SLIIT Malabe Campus, New Kandy Rd, Malabe, SriLanka




+94 77 5338 747